Two week field course where students learn fundamental ecological concepts and collect independent field research about biocomplexity and ecosystem function. Topics include effects of biocomplexity on air quality, agricultural pest abundance, and human influenza incidence. All, while immersed in Chinese culture and sub-tropical environments. At the end of the trip, McMaster students engage in a 3-day problem-based learning exercise with Chinese students enrolled at Beijing-Jiatong University in Beijing. Students enjoy an exchange of ideas, perspectives and awareness of global issues.
The field course has lead to the genesis of an international exchange between McMaster and Beijing-Jiaotong University. It provides ideal experiential learning and education experiences for students and faculty alike, leading to global awareness, conceptual understanding and publication quality research.
Student Experience
Provides ideal experiential learning and education experiences for students, leading to global awareness, conceptual understanding and publication quality research.
Canada, China
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Beijing-Jiaotong University, Central South University Forestry and Technology
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
The student interaction is sponsored by funding acquired through Beijing-Jiatong University.