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Internal and External Bursaries and Awards

The below information reflects funding opportunities that are currently open.

Internal Bursaries and Awards

Note that applications for the IIMF have officially closed. Please visit this page to view this year’s winners!

Attention McMaster Researchers: The IIMF is intended to provide small investments in first-time international research contacts or initiatives, typically originated by individual faculty members. It is meant to reduce the threshold to international research activities and serve as seed funding, ideally leading to joint projects and international partnerships.

  • Each project is eligible to receive up to $5000 in funding and we expect to make up to 10 such investments in each round
  • Applicants should submit a one-page (PDF format) description of the project and the intended use of the funds, accompanied by a CV (NSERC Form 100, or equivalent)
  • Applications must also include an endorsement/signature from your Dean or appropriate supervisor

Applications open: January 8th, 2024

Application deadline: February 5th, 2024

For more information or to submit your application, please visit this page or contact Bonny Ibhawoh at

External Bursaries and Awards

Applications Open: 1 May 2024

Applications Close: 31 July 2024 4PM UTC

The Routledge/Round Table Commonwealth PhD Studentships provide support for research projects on Commonwealth-related themes.

The studentships are funded by The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs and the journal’s publisher, Routledge, in association with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).

Proposed research must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Relate to the Commonwealth as a whole or to any Commonwealth-wide institution or organisation.
  • Have a Commonwealth comparative aspect.
  • Be of relevance to more than one Commonwealth country.

Successful applicants will be required to submit an article of between 4,000 and 6,000 words based on their research, for consideration for publication in The Round Table journal. They will also be required to make a podcast on their research, for publication on the journal’s website.


As part of the studentship, applicants are required to identify and work with a mentor at a university in a Commonwealth country other than that in which they are based. This should be an expert in a subject linked to the applicant’s subject of research, who will be able to provide support and advice during the studentship.

The mentor will be expected to hold a minimum of two virtual meetings with the student during the period of the studentship. They will be expected to be in contact with the student by email to share their experiences in their relevant field, provide advice around publishing, events and trends in their field, and to challenge and empower the student to consider new ways of thinking.

The mentor will also be expected to contribute to either the podcast or the article that the student is expected to produce at the end of the studentship and will be paid an honorarium of £500 GBP, payable at the end of the studentship. Mentors must read and abide by the mentor code of conduct guidelines.

What does the studentship include? 

Two studentships are available each with a maximum value of GBP 5,500:

  • One for PhD students registered at UK universities.
  • One for PhD students registered at ACU member universities in Commonwealth countries other than the UK.


Who can apply? 

Applications are welcomed from a broad range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

Preference may be given to disciplines usually covered by The Round Table journal, including (but not exclusively) politics, international relations, economics, international history, geography, law, development studies, and area studies.

It is not expected that the applicant’s PhD/DPhil research already has a Commonwealth focus. Applications are particularly welcomed where the award will enable the applicant to add a Commonwealth dimension to the work.

How to apply




Applications open: 7 May

Applications close: 21 August 2024

Outcome notification:  September 2024

Funding period: 1 October 2024 – 31 July 2025

Lund University (LU) launched Get Started Funding 2024 aimed at researchers with PhD degree employed at Lund University, LU, and researchers with PhD degree employed at one of the selected partners in non-EU/EEA countries newly associated to Horizon Europe or whose association is expected soon (Canada, Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK and Ukraine).

Funds of up to 60 000 SEK (≈7,570 CAD) per award for projects with Canadian partners are available to develop collaborations which have the potential to lead to externally funded research projects and joint publications. While the LU researcher is the main applicant, the funds aim to support networking activities, such as visits and meetings for researchers at both institutions.

Researcher teams (LU + partner university) are invited to submit applications in any academic field. Applications will be assessed in relation to the quality of the application. If all applications that adequately fulfil the key assessment criteria cannot be funded, priority will be given to new collaborations and researcher teams that include early career researchers.

Application guidelines:

The application must be submitted by the LU researcher through the application portal and shall include:

  • Aim of the collaboration.
  • Description of the activity.
  • Timeline of the activity.
  • Confirmation of interest from the researcher at the partner university.
  • Short CV of each of the researchers (LU and partner university).

Key assessment criteria:

  • Strategic value of research collaboration.
  • Complementarity of the research partners/team.
  • Potential for subsequent larger collaborative projects and potential to generate external funding.

Any interested researcher at McMaster University is encouraged to connect with researchers at Lund University to learn more about the funding opportunity and to plan the application.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Teresia Rindefjall ( and Richard Stenelo (

Applications open: September 2024

Applications close: Mid-November 2024

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program seeks to enhance internationalization in Japan by promoting mutual understanding between the people of Japan and those of other nations. The Program aims to enhance foreign language education and promote international exchange at the local level through the fostering of ties between Japanese youth and foreign youth alike. The objectives of the Program are being achieved by offering JET Program participants the opportunity to serve in local authorities as well as public and private elementary, junior high, and senior high schools in Japan by working either an Assistant Language Teacher or a Coordinator for International Relations.


Overall requirements:

  • Be a Canadian citizen (not just a permanent resident) at the time of application. Those who possess dual nationality with Japan must renounce their Japanese nationality before accepting a position, if offered, on the JET Programme. Applicants who have dual nationality with two countries participating in the JET Program may only apply in one country. Information for non-Canadian citizens is available here.
  • Have a bachelor’s degree conferred, in any field, by the time of departure. A diploma would not meet the requirements; it must be a bachelor’s degree.
  • Have excellent English language skills and have contemporary standard pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation in English that can be applied accurately and appropriately, along with excellent writing skills and grammar usage.
  • Have NOT participated in any of the following years of the Program, from the 2021-2022 intake year (inclusive of April 2020) through to the 2023-2024 intake year, or you have participated in the Program for more than six years in total.
  • Have NOT declined a position in the JET Program after receiving notification of placement in the last JET Program year (exceptions may be made in cases where the participant had a valid, inevitable reason for withdrawing).
  • Have NOT lived in Japan for six or more years in total since 2014.

 Specific requirements for Assistant Language Teacher position:

  • Be interested in working with children.
  •  Be strongly motivated to teach foreign languages.
  • Be interested in the Japanese educational system.

  • Additional consideration will be given to applicants who:
    • Have language teaching experience or qualification.
    • Have teaching experience or qualification.
    • Have a high level of Japanese ability.

Specific requirements for Coordinator in International Relations position:

  • Have professional fluency of the Japanese language sufficient to perform duties and interact with others in a Japanese office environment.
  • Japanese language ability equivalent to JLPT N2 or higher is considered a suitable level of Japanese language proficiency for a CIR candidate.

 For additional information and how to apply, please click here

Applications open:  July 2 2024

Webinar date:  July 8 2024 (login details available below)

Internal deadline to submit the signed OIA International Program Grant Application Approval Form  to receive the required letter of support from OIA: 5 August 2024

Applications close:  15 August 2024 at 18:00 CST

Mexican Government Grant Program for Canadian Indigenous Students, AMEXCID, has launched the 2024 program aimed at students and academics from Canada, belonging to any of the Canadian indigenous Inuit, Métis or First Nations communities who want to go to Mexico for a period of two to four weeks to participate in an academic exchange at a Mexican university.

AMEXCID offers up to twelve (12) scholarships for eight (8) students and four (4) teachers from Educational Institutions in Canada, who must be formed into groups of one (1) academic and two (2) students maximum, interested in carrying out academic stays for a maximum period of 30 days between the months of October and November 2024, in the Institutions listed in the file (Annex 2 participating HEIs) on AMEXCID website.

During their stay, the Canadian academic groups will participate according to the academic program of each receiving institution (Annex 1. UUII Academic Programs), in a variety of courses, workshops and field practices in the areas of:

1. Art, music and literature
2. Solidarity economy
3. Territory, space and traditions
4. Indigenous languages
5. Education, culture and learning processes 6. Corn, wheat and associated crops
7. Rights of indigenous peoples

It is expected that as a result of this Call, academic and intercultural links between nations, linguistic enrichment, and the exchange and appropriation of knowledge will be promoted.

More information is available here. Interested participants are also encouraged to attend the information webinar hosted by AMEXCID for Monday, July 8th at 5:00pm CST using the login details below:
Meeting ID: 836 3061 3237
Passcode: zK11c2


Applications close: July 28, 2024, by 11:00 pm (MST)

Semester period: January-April 2025 (13 weeks)

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI), in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan (USASK), is pleased to reopen this Call for Applications for Canadian students (undergraduate level) for the ‘A Semester in India (ASII) Project.

The ASII Project is part of SICI’s Short-term Outbound Mobility Program, Canadian Scholars to India (CSI), offering a 13-week semester in India from January to April 2025. The Semester will consist of two USASK-approved courses:

(1) Culture, Society and Politics in India and

(2) Globalization and Development in India

The course format includes formal lectures, classroom discussions, guest lectures, study/field trips, and cultural immersion experiences, aiming to strengthen the global talent and connection of Canadian undergrad students by offering a semester Abroad in India.


  • All Canadian Undergraduate students from SICI’s Canadian Member Universities, including McMaster, are eligible to apply. A list of the Canadian Member Universities is available at this link: (
  • Students must have completed 30 credit units of undergraduate courses by December 30, 2024.
  • Financially challenged and Indigenous students are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Students must be proficient in the English language.

Value of ASII Grant

  • SICI provides up to CAD$ 7,000 to cover program costs for each qualified student.

Cost to Students:

  • Tuition fee for 9 cu courses- approx. CAD$ 2,100
  • Program fee – approx. CAD$ 3,500

Note: Students may apply to their universities for local funding for the Semester abroad program to reduce costs (and arrange transfer of credits with home institutions).

For more information and how to apply, please click here




Applications close: July 31, 2024

Research period:  September 2024 – March 2025 (6-8 weeks)

Number of awards: Twelve (12)

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is pleased to announce a call for applications for Shastri Student Research in India Fellowships (SSRIF). The desired SSRIF applicants are Canadian students studying in undergraduate and graduate degree programs, primarily in SICI’s Canadian Member universities. SSRIF recipients will commence a 6-8 weeks research project in India under the supervision of Indian faculty members in their host Indian institutions in subject areas where they desire/require research experience. The SSRIF Project is part of SICI’s Canadian Scholars to India (CSI) Program, funded by Global Affairs Canada’s Government of Canada. The CSI Program aims to improve and diversify Canadian scholars’ short-term academic mobility to India.

Students’ research proposals may include all domains of studies, such as Social Sciences and Humanities, Arts, Commerce and Management and STEM. Please note the topic and content of the research proposal should focus on essential subject matters concerning Canada or India. 


  • SSRIF applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs at Canadian public universities.
  • Preference will be given to students enrolled in SICI’s Canadian Member Universities. (Link to SICI’s Canadian Member Universities list. SICI Canadian-Member-Institutions)
  • Proficiency in English is a requirement for SSRIF applicants.

Eligibility Restrictions

  •  Canadian Students previously granted short-term studies/training/internships in India under SICI are eligible to reapply after a two-year gap from their return date.
  • Applicants must not hold another degree from an Indian institution or be concurrently enrolled in one.

Value of SSRIF Project Grant

  • Up to CAD$ 8,500/per SSRIF Project Grant.
  • The grant value will cover the cost of an appropriate Indian visa, vaccination, health insurance, air travel (international), domestic travel in India, accommodation in India, communications, registration and any other mandatory fees in Indian Host Institutions (if required), and a stipend.

Support for Indigenous and Financially Challenged Students

  • SICI promotes the participation of Indigenous and financially challenged Canadian students in its international mobility programs.
  • At least 50% (minimum of seven) of SSRIF Project grants will be awarded to eligible students from these backgrounds.

For more information and how to apply, please click here



Applications close: August 4, 2024 (11:00 pm MDT)

Travel Timeframe:  15 June 2024-31 March 2025

Number of awards: Twelve (12)six (6) awards for students and six (6) awards for faculty members

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is delighted to announce the Call for Applications for the Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants (SSTSG) 2024-25. This program aims to enhance institutional and scholarly linkages between SICI’s Canadian and Indian Member Institutions.

For the current fiscal year, the SSTSG Program is funded through the collaborative efforts of SICI and the Government of Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Advanced Education under the Saskatchewan-Shastri Engaging Saskatchewan in India (SK-SESKI) Program, as one of the implementation initiatives from the recently renewed SICI-SK Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). A total of twelve SSTSG project grants are available. Notably, two of these grants are exclusively reserved for eligible applicants from academic institutions in Saskatchewan. These grants seek to promote cross-border academic exchange and collaboration between Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions and their Indian counterparts.


  • CAD$ 1,500 to support the scholar’s international economy class round trip airfare between Canada-India).
  • Note: The SSTSG fund is to be released to the Recipient’s institution upon completion of the SSTSG project and receipt of the final report.

Eligible Expenses:

  • International economy class round trip airfare between Canada-India;
  • Associated costs related to visas, meals, per diem and accommodation are not eligible

Eligible Institutions:                                                     

Eligible Applicants:

  • Applicants from Canada must be Canadian citizens or hold a PR status in Canada. Similarly, applicants from India must be Indian citizens.
  • Applicants must be full-time faculty members/researchers/students (doctoral and post-doctoral) of an eligible institution.
  • A student or faculty awarded an SSTSG in 2023-24 is not eligible until SSTSG in 2025-26.

For more and information and how to apply, please click here