Located in every province of Canada, the Wilson Associates -- 39 in total and for a period of three years -- have been selected as scholars who are pushing the field of Canadian history in exciting new transnational directions. Each of these dynamic scholars is asking new questions and bringing new perspectives to the writing of Canadian history. Each will be entitled to contribute to the selection of the most boundary-breaking publication in Canadian history and to benefit from the support and services of the Institute.
We hope not only to put these scholars in contact with our Institute, so that we might expand our role in Canadian intellectual life, but also to put them in touch with one another, in a country all too often fragmented in ways that far-ranging transnational approaches stand to remedy. The study of Canadian history is undergoing a renaissance—and these scholars are indispensable to making it happen.
Student Experience
Through this programme, we hope to introduce our students — graduate and undergraduate — to the work being done by some of Canada’s most groundbreaking transnational historians and foster a transnational community that our students can learn from. Included in our programme’s activities will be a variety of workshops, conferences, and roundtables organized by our associates. Each event will offer opportunities for graduate students in McMaster’s history department to gain valuable professional experience. Each will provide volunteer opportunities for graduate students, presenting valuable leadership and teamwork experience in organizing an academic event, including coordinating administrative details, promoting community engagement, and organizing and staffing information and sign-up stations. These events will also provide a general opportunity for students at McMaster to cultivate mentor-student relationships with participants, as well as to develop experience with research methods and theories, knowledge mobilization and dissemination, and publication and research communication.