The goal of this project is to develop a completely novel way to estimate motorcycle helmet use using the street view function in Google Maps. We have chosen to focus on Bangkok because of the large burden of road traffic injuries, the entire city has been mapped with Google Street View, and we have helmet use estimates for comparison using roadside observations and surveillance data.
If we can show that this method works, it has incredible potential as it can be used anywhere that Google Street View has mapped out. It could also be expanded to answer different and important questions such as passenger helmet use or bicycle helmet use. Perhaps even more importantly, this method could be employed to analyze other road safety questions unrelated to helmets. For example, we could estimate the proportion of different types of road users, or even look at pedestrian infrastructure.
Student Experience
Institutional Partner(s)
International Injury Research Unit, Johns Hopkins University
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
Grant from Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society.