Across Canada, 14 researchers with diverse expertise and international collaboration are working to develop training, arts-based knowledge mobilization, policy-relevant reports, and transportable research models to international contexts. SV work to date has extended to sub-Saharan African epidemiology, S. African resilience research, and UK-based collaboration. Adapting/adopting team intervention technology to youth social risk populations is being pursued towards health equity goals from a social determinants of health, adverse childhood events, trauma-informed, and youth rights perspective
Two-volume, journal special issue publications in 2017. A team-based social media experiment is part of a journal's 2018 Kmb innovations special section. Kmb videos has received CIHR award (VideoTalks). Trainees have secured FTE health policy/academic positions. Training has been widespread with archived, open access webinars and presentations. A university museum exhibit raised awareness on the trauma to resilience journey, as well as CYCCNet Ottawa-based Wisdom to Action event (W2ATR).
Student Experience
Students gain an understanding of child maltreatment as trauma events and the importance of a trauma-informed perspective, of use in their own research papers, as well as extended learning opportunities in conferences (Picturing Wellness), museum exhibit (Picturing Wellness), community of practice development (Wisdom to Action Kmb event). All students gain academic presentation and networking experience in presenting at the university level, in Canadian and international conferences.
South Africa, South Sudan, United Kingdom
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Sub-grant agreements with UBC, Dalhousie, McGill, UQAM, University of Ottawa, Lakehead University
Community Partner(s)
Mental Health Agencies; Child Welfare Agencies; Addiction Service Agencies
Industry Partner(s)
Corporate Donor
Key Outcomes
Federal Provincial Private Community
Sponsorship Details
Private funds to support development of a Resilience App for youth, partnering with McMaster’s computing & software program, with student engagement. Quebec, BC provincial funds to support epidemiology, implementation of trauma-focused intervention to residential care youth, Indigenous community support for collaborative grant applications considering teams intervention, kmb technology adoption/adaptation to their local contexts.