Canada, China, Japan, Korea (South), Taiwan, Republic of China, United Kingdom
The JCMT is currently operated by the East Asian Observatories and provides sensitivie radio astronomy images of the northern and equatorial sky. Fifty percent of the observing time on the JCMT is devoted to Large Programs led by international collaborations and the remaining time is devoted to smaller programs. Access to the JCMT is via competittive peer-reviewed proposals. McMaster leads the Canadian consortium that is allowing Canadian students and researchers to continue to access the JCMT and to provide leadership in the large programs.
Recent research highlights include quantifying the effect of environment on dense star-forming gas in galaxies (led by A. Mok, McMaster Ph.D. student) as well as wide-area maps of polarized emission tracing magnetic fields in the molecular cloud in Orion (using the Canadian-built polarimeter and involving researchers at Universite d Montreal, NRC-Herzberg, University of Victoria, University of Waterloo, and Western University).
Student Experience
Graduate students have the opportunity to use the JCMT in their own research projects as well as participating as key members in large programs with international collaborators.
Canada, China, Japan, Korea (South), Taiwan, Republic of China, United Kingdom
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
East Asian Observatories, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo, a consortium of over a dozen U.K. universities, NRC-Herzberg