Sorption and migration of actinides are a key factor in safety assessment of used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste disposal. In this project, the sorption and migration of redox sensitive actinides (including redox sensitive fission products) in geosphere and biosphere under oxidizing and reducing conditions are experimentally and theoretically studied. Sortion and migration mechanisms are investigated. Sorption and diffusion data will be compiled in the NWMO database.
The project will contribute to increasing the confidence of safety assessment of used nuclear fuel and ligh-level radioactive waste disposal for the public.
Student Experience
McMaster has had the Memorandum of Understanding on Research and Education (MOU) with them. According to the MOUs, the students engage in the international collaboration on migration and sorption with these institutes, and have opportunities to interact with the research professionals outside of Canada.
Germany, Japan
Research, Education
Institutional Partner(s)
The University of Tokyo, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf