Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa
At McMaster, our hub is concerned with theory and practice in participation and democratization, contrasting this with the dialectic of conflict resolution, and thus yielding new and innovative approaches to participation and emergent processes for peace, health, justice, and sustainability, with special application to teaching and learning. We are initiating a range of collaborative projects and supporting them, notably comparative work on truth and reconciliation; the Colombian Peace Process; and the Sustainable Development Goals. Creating student opportunities is a central goal.
We have created new research, disseminated widely across institutional and practitioner domains, and seized opportunities for knowledge mobilization globally. We have documented case studies in our pedagogy; and are developing community-based research projects to further citizen participation in decisions affecting peace, health, justice and sustainability. We are also creating new spaces for international collaboration, new linkages and new opportunities.
Student Experience
exposure to high level international research and engagement; created a peer-to-peer learning network
Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa