The Tarbiat Modares team has been developing a new technique for improving the extraction rate of biochemicals from microalgae by using electromagnetic fields. The McMaster team has been collaborating on the design of the system using reactors of this type.
With these results, we should be able to make certain specialty chemicals and bio-products much more cheaply than we can now. One paper has been published. The student and several others started a start-up company in Iran to commercialize this technology, and is looking to build and operate within Ontario in the next two years.
Student Experience
None of my own PhD students participated on this project.
Canada, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Institutional Partner(s)
Tarbiat Modares University
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Spin-offs
Sponsorship Details
The PhD Student from Tarbiat Modares visited our laboratory at McMaster for this project, paid out of his thesis funds by his home university.