Global Health Program is a growing educational and research consortium. Led by academics at McMaster and Maastricht University, the Netherlands, the Program links institutions across multiple continents and fields of study in a 12-month MSc Program. The curriculum places students in virtual, transcontinental learning pods to gain experience working with peers and tutors across different locations, cultures and backgrounds. Students specialize in a field of interest in the winter term and culminate in a simulated international symposium in India, before completing the summer field practicum.
Global Health Program is delivered through a network of partner universities of collaborative research and education. Global partnership has expanded to include 12 universities to enhance the field of expertise provided, and offer students the opportunity to interact with expert researchers who are active in globalization and global health. Graduate scholars meet in Manipal, India, for two-weeks at the scientific symposium to present student research and engage in educational offerings.
Student Experience
Student scholars engage in learning pods from Canada, the Netherlands, Manipal, Sudan, Norway and Thailand. They present research that is adjudicated by an international panel of experts and participate in cultural and dilemma analysis workshops as well as concentrate on global health research methods that include geographic and systems mapping.
Maastricht University, The Netherlands (MOU only), Universidad de la Frontera, Chile, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, University of Manipal, India, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Niigata University, Japan, AMREF University, Kenya, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway, Afhad University, Sudan, Thammasat University, Thailand
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Spin-offs, Other
Sponsorship Details
External research/education funding for the program has come from the Erasmus + fund (European Union) and the High North Fund (Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education).