India, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
Though immigration consultants and labour recruiters provide legally sanctioned services, their public image in both immigrant sending and receiving countries is largely negative. This research program aims to investigate the services that immigration consultants and recruiters provide to visa applicants, and to compare how two immigrant sending countries (Philippines and India) and three immigrant receiving countries (Canada, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates) regulate the activities of immigration consultants and recruiters.
This research will help fill a gap in migration systems theory by focusing on a group of profit making commercial intermediaries that exist to facilitate migration across an international border. The research also hopes to identify the best practices associated with various models used to regulate the activities of immigration consultants.
Student Experience
foster cultural intelligence and sensitivity, inform internationalization of curriculum, and building graduate student research skills
India, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Curriculum Internationalization
Sponsorship Details
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant.