Manufacturing processes subject materials to extreme conditions providing a unique opportunity to gain basic knowledge related to materials and how they interact. Recent innovations and long term strategic investments in McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute’s (MMRI) expertise, instrumentation and industry scale equipment in hard-wear resistant PVD coatings, tool design and continuous improvement resources have strongly positioned the MMRI to directly address the challenges Ontario’s manufacturing industries face.
Improvements in tooling and process optimization successfully leverage the existing capital base of manufacturing equipment to significant effect. In our case studies we have demonstrated that final product quality and production rates improve greatly with the application of high performance tooling utilizing self-adaptive, functionally-graded and near stress-free (thick) coatings, carefully designed for specific applications and by tuning process parameters to directly utilize their properties.
Student Experience
Students participated in the development and characterization of the coatings as well as their assessment in machinnig applications. This provides very practical training in materials development and characterization, process optimization and process assessment.
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Kobe Steel
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
Kobe Steel provides funding, coating services and assists with the assessment of the results.