Our workshop pushed forward the boundaries of Canadian international history. Papers addressed various themes such as non-state actors, human-environment relationships, Indigenous-Canadian state relations, imperial history and decolonization, modernization and neo-liberal development, cultural diplomacy, memory, and military and peace studies. A volume of selected papers was submitted to McGill Queen’s University Press and enthusiastically considered for the L.R. Wilson Rethinking Canada in the World Series as a volume that will stand as a toolkit for scholars, students, and educators.
Undiplomatic History: Rethinking Canada and the World will serve as a benchmark for the evolving state of international history in Canada, as well as the beginning of a larger conversation within a Canadian historical profession that has marginalized Canada’s foreign relations history.
Student Experience
The symposium will offer opportunities for graduate students at McMaster’s to gain valuable professional experience. The symposium will provide volunteer opportunities for graduate students, presenting valuable leadership and teamwork experience in organizing an academic event, including coordinating administrative details, promoting community engagement, and organizing and staffing information and sign-up stations. These events will also provide a general opportunity for students at McMaster to cultivate mentor-student relationships with participants, as well as to develop experience with research methods and theories, knowledge mobilization and dissemination, and publication and research communication. The workshop also involves the participation of students and early career academics, including MA students, PhD candidates, and postdoctoral/research fellows. These new scholars have been at the forefront of Canadian transnational history and their participation is crucial in order to push the field forwards.
Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Federal Private
Sponsorship Details
SSHRC Connections Grant We also received funding from the Wilson Institute for Canadian History.