Aid when there is “nothing left to offer”: A study of ethics & palliative care during international humanitarian action (EPC-IHA) — Case Study #2: Jordan
The purpose of the study is to inform practice guidelines for service providers serving refugees who need end of life care as they have no options for treatment for their illness or injury. The study includes information about the context of palliative/end of life care in Jordan. Information has been collected from refugees living in a refugee camp and others living in urban settings as well as their local care providers. Interviews with Jordanian community members needing end of life care and foreign service providers serving refugees and other priority communities are in progress.
Results of this study will inform health policy, practice and service delivery for refugees in similar settings. In addition information about Jordanian community members will inform the Ministry of Health in Jordan about access to services for end of life care by Jordanian community members. Findings will be of particular interest in health professional education, policy, practice and service delivery.
Student Experience
Two undergraduate Nursing students completed a for credit course assisting with the analysis of of information from refugee participants in this study. Their experience will help develop their intercultural awareness and knowledge of health practices that are of global interest. A Life-Sci student and other students may be involved Jan – April 2018.
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
UNHCR , Jordan University of Science and Technology , McGill University
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme. The R2HC programme aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises. Visit for more information. The R2HC programme is funded equally by the Wellcome Trust and DFID, with Elrha overseeing the programme’s execution and management.