The Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health (FIRH) and Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Disease /State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease (GIRD/SKLRD) Collaboration
Autoimmune processes in COPD, air pollution exposure and CFTR expression and function – impact on health subjects and those with asthma, COPD and interstitial lung disease, the development of a combined GIRD-FIRD ILD patient database to monitor disease progression and explore disease features from different cultures, personalized prediction and prevention strategy for COPD exacerbation, COPD real-world registry study, standardized construction, management and application of clinical biological resources database in COPD, long term effect of smoking, indoor/outdoor air pollution and aging etc.
Researchers from both countries have met to develop new and ongoing projects in Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery research. In addition, the collaboration has facilitated inter-institutional WebEx seminars where clinical cases are reviewed by experts from both countries.
Student Experience
This collaboration has provided the opportunity for research fellows/students from China to come to our institution and develop their research projects and academic exchanges with investigators at McMaster University and FIRH.
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Disease/State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease
Community Partner(s)
Research Institute of St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Industry Partner(s)
Boehringer-Ingelheim China, Astrazeneca China
Key Outcomes
Publications, Spin-offs
Provincial Foreign
Sponsorship Details
Sponsorship for research fellows and research project grants