The objective is to develop a prototype of a compact portable (possibly wearable) warning system for the stand-off detection of on-body concealed weapons such as knives, handguns, grenades, and explosive vests. The ultimate goal is to provide a device for military or law-enforcement personnel that detects broad spectrum of threats at sufficiently large stand-off distances so that a warning is issued early enough to leave room for proper reaction. The major advantage of the proposed system is that the screening can be performed while people are moving.
This NATO-sponsored project is not only research oriented but also aims at establishing close collaborations between researchers from NATO countries and researchers from countries in Eastern Europe.
Student Experience
Graduate students will visit the partner’s institution and will work together on the project. Three Canadian graduate students (from Nikolova’s team) will visit the National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU) and three Ukrainian students will visit McMaster University at least twice during the duration of the project.
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Patents, Spin-offs
Sponsorship Details
NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme