The project aims to present a reconstruction of the settlement patterns of the countryside of the Greek colony of Metaponto, located in Basilicata, Italy, through archaeological field survey and excavation of territories occupied from the Iron Age through the Roman Imperial Period. The objectives include determining the nature of occupation in the countryside, such as farmsteads, sanctuaries, necropolis, to understand practices in the foundation and expansion of Greek cities as well as settlement dynamics and interactions with the indigenous population of Southern Italy.
The results of this project will contribute to knowledge of the ancient Greek world in general, and specific aspects of Greek archaeology, including an understanding of the use of the countryside of ancient cities, practices in the foundation and expansion of Greek colonies, interactions between Greeks and the indigenous population of Italy, and settlement dynamics in southern Italy at the time of the arrival of Greek settlers. All finds will be catalogued and mapped using GIS.
Student Experience
This project provides experiential learning through the participation in the study and conservation of ancient artifacts, field survey, and archaeological excavations.
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and the Interior of Basilicata, Italy