Éloi Bérubé is studying shifts in foodways between the Postclassic period (900–1521 AD) and the Early Colonial period (1521–1600) at the site of San Miguel de Achiutla, Oaxaca. He is assessing to what extent the Mixtecs resisted, accepted or negotiated Spanish cultural elements in their own daily and ritual lifeways. In the MPERF, he is drawing macrobotanical residues from bulk flotation samples, and phytolith and starch grain residues from artifacts. He is comparing the foods consumed during the Early Colonial period at Achiutla to those which were consumed before Spanish Contact.
The project broadly addresses indigenous survivance in the context of colonization.
Student Experience
For graduate student Éloi Bérubé , is primary focus of his thesis. Research has also contributed to curricula in various courses taught by Morell-Hart.
Mexico, United States of America
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
University of Colorado, Boulder
Community Partner(s)
Community of San Miguel Achiutla, Oaxaca, Mexico
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
Funding from the Wenner-Gren foundation and the National Science Foundation (USA); funding from the Anthropology Department (McMaster)