The central goal is to generate new collaborative research and new social science knowledge related to adaptive, transboundary environmental governance in the Great Lakes region and is applicable to complex governance challenges in other sectors and other parts of the world. advancing research, training and knowledge mobilization through mutual cooperation, shared intellectual leadership and collective resources through a bi-national and multilateral research partnership.
- online, open access legislative and policy inventory (transboundary, national and subnational) - database of Great Lakes scholarly policy research publications consisting of over 800 searchable and publicly accessible references published over the past 40 years - digital infrastructure for collaborative research and open data - database of contact information for over 1200 policy actors and representati
Student Experience
– 4 related Masters Theses/Projects and 2 PhD related dissertations – 14 policy briefs produced by graduate students (offshore wind; hydro; invasive species; nearshore framework; irrigation;water levels; Asian carp controls groundwater; pipelines; non-point source pollution; offshore wind and land use regulations for water protection) – three working papers, numerous presentations of research papers at academic and practitioner conferences in Canada, the US and beyond
Canada, United States of America
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ryerson University, Buffalo University, Western University, SUNY