I am finishing one book and starting another. My present book examines the religious and political authority of the Holy Land for Catholics during the era of the Reformation. It is a focused exploration of the Custody of the Holy Land, which still to this day manages Catholic pilgrimage to the Holy Places, as a site of international Catholic engagement (Ottoman, Greek Orthodox, papal, French state, Franciscans). I am also writing a third book on religious processions in the Holy Sepulchre to explore religious coexistence.
The primary aim of both of these studies is to expand our understanding of the place of religious diversity and inter-faith engagement in shaping the modern societies in the West and the Catholic tradition/Church. It is an examination of inter-faith relations a landscape sacred to three important, diverse religious traditions (Islam, Judaism. Christianity) at a time of profound religious and political change not unlike today..
Student Experience
Two PhD students who work respectively on France and Italy are working on a DH research project for my third book on religious processions. They will be coding and analyzing pilgrimage treatises and will publish a joint article based upon the results. My grant also funds conference travel to present on their work to expand their knowledge of DH research in early modern history.
Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Spain
Research, Education
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
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Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
I received SSHRC funding (2010-2012 for a book project which is almost finished. I have also received recently a SSHRC insight development grant (2017-2019) for my new book project which will examine religious processions in Jerusalem during the same time period.