Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, United States of America
This project is an on-going collaboration with Dr. Jordi Díez (Guelph) and other researchers in the United States and Costa Rica to understand the contextual and individual factors to shape attitudes towards rights for same-sex couples. Papers use existing surveys in 18 countries plus survey experiments in Argentina (with plans to expand to Costa Rica) to understand the dynamics of attitudes, including how issue framing and contact with (married) homosexuals impacts support for expanded rights.
Deeper understanding of sources of prejudice and tolerance, with an aim to improving opportunities to promote tolerant attitudes. Developing enhanced research collaborations among those working at the nexus of public opinion, sexuality, and public policies.
Student Experience
Some of this research has been incorporated into undergraduate and graduate courses.
Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, United States of America
Research, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Costa Rica (Institute of Social Research School of Political Science and Center of Political Research and Studies), University of Guelph
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Foreign Other
Sponsorship Details
McMaster ARB supported addition of survey experiments in Argentine survey.