The exhibition attracted seventy-eight artists from across North America residing in over sixty different cities, eleven states, nine provinces and one territory. Twenty eight were selected to exhibit at the McMaster Museum of Art. A symposium was organized in February with panel discussions and workshops to share research in this area.
The symposium attracted 100 participants from educational institutions, community venues, print centres and independent artists, students and educators. The symposium and exhibition shared knowledge of environmentally responsible options in printmaking and provided a valuable network for future sharing of information..
Student Experience
Student assistants were hired to help coordinate this project and students participated in the symposium event and attended the exhibition at the McMaster Museum of Art.
Canada, United States of America
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Spin-offs
Sponsorship Details
Office of the President Forward with Integrity Grant McMaster Museum of Art School of the Arts