Defining nutritional status using an algorithm based on arm anthropometry with validation from studies of body composition measured by dual energy X ray absorptiometry. Devising and implementing strategies for nutritional supplementation in under-nourished children, using locally available ready-to-use-therapeutic-foods. Determination of major clinical outcomes (abandonment of therapy, relapse of disease and death) with socio-economic status (SES) as a co-variable ; SES being measured with a tool developed expressly for use in low and middle income countries
Education and training of nutritionists in India, Guatemala and Brazil provides an infrastructure for clinical research. The results of these studies will lend support for the published classification of centres for the treatment of children with cancer according to their level of resources and capacity to deliver nutritional support based on accurate assessment of nutritional status achieved by simple arm anthropometry. Under-nutrition is prevalent in children with cancer at diagnosis in LMICs.
Student Experience
None yet for McMaster students
Brazil, Guatemala, India
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Private foundations in New York and the target countries, linked to the children's cancer centres