Modelling: • Hybrid models of complex process units. • Develop models which are sufficiently accurate to be used for optimization of operating conditions as well as simple enough to use as parts of the scheduling or planning models. • Model updating from real-time data and / or rigorous models. • Methods for analysis of plant data and model building. Scheduling: • Optimal scheduling which optimizes operating conditions, raw material selection, and the sequencing of operations. • Integration between scheduling & real-time operation. • Integration of scheduling & medium term planning.
Improved raw material selection and improved decisions how to process the raw materials which will be enabled by the results of this research can lead to increased annual profit upwards of 20$Million for a 200,000 BBL/D refinery.
Student Experience
Opportunities for McMaster PhD research students to carry out part of their research work at ECUST.
Institutional Partner(s)
East China University fo Scinece and Technology, Shanghai
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Publications, Spin-offs
Sponsorship Details
Joint project with East China University of Science and Technology, Key Laboratory for Automatic Control