This collaboration is geared towards the improved design and optimization of energy systems, such as district energy systems. We are focusing on developing improved design, optimization, and simulation methods to help us arrive at better, more environmentally designs.
We will be able to tackle difficult chemical process design problems that will help reduce the environmental impact of major polluters such as power plants, heating and air conditioning, steel refining, and manufacturing process.
Student Experience
We hope to have at least one of my Canadian graduate students spend at least 4 months here in Norway for collaborative research. Several of my graduate students are expected to collaborate remotely, however. I am currently co-advising one NTNU PhD student and will be for the next four years. That student will come to McMaster for one year at some point in the future.
Canada, Norway
Institutional Partner(s)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Community Partner(s)
Industry Partner(s)
Key Outcomes
Sponsorship Details
The HyEFF project (a Norewegian programme) is paying for relocation costs so that I may spend my sabbatical year visiting Norway for idea exchange and collaborative research.