Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom
Austerity, defined as fiscal consolidation, public sector structural reforms, and flexibilization of labour markets, has triggered social protest, electoral defeats, major international tensions, significant academic controversy, and is blamed for various social ills. Yet it remains the default policy response to the economic crisis for most states and international organizations. We ask: Why is some evidence privileged and other evidence ignored? Or, how can research evidence on austerity and its alternatives be better mobilized so as to achieve more serious policy consideration?
website policy briefs publications
Student Experience
graduate student training and professional development
Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom
Research, Education, Global Partnerships
Institutional Partner(s)
Carleton University, University of Hull UK
Community Partner(s)
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Tax Justice Network, Friedrich Ebert Stifftung, TASC Think-tank for Action on Social Change